3️⃣Presale Round 3

Presale Round 3 Explained

Participate Link: https://oceanglobal.network/presale?con=0x7A599fc9a23Ab7CeaaE2Ca73bf72f26e5Ca08AFF

Presale Address: 0x7A599fc9a23Ab7CeaaE2Ca73bf72f26e5Ca08AFF

Presale Rate in USD: $0.08 (Estimated Price)

Presale Rate: 3,000 MGV per BNB

Soft Cap: 200 BNB

Hard Cap: 450 BNB

Round 3 Start Time: 14 January 2023 at 01:00 PM (UTC)

Round 3 End Time: 24 January 2023 at 01:00 PM (UTC)

Minimum Contribution: 0.01 BNB

Maximum Contribution: 18 BNB

Remember to always check the URL that you are connecting your wallet to for participating in the presale, and make sure that you are on the right site which is "oceanglobal.network".

Be VERY vigilant and stay away from scammers.

Any questions feel free to contact one of our moderators on the MetaGold official chat:


MetaGold Official Support:


Make sure to check the verification badge on the MetaGold Official Support telegram profile

🚨 Note:

Admin/Staff will never DM you first, We never ask you to submit your recovery phrase for whatever reason. Please never share your recovery phrase, Whoever texts you first on any social media page is most likely a scammer, and you should report and block them immediately. We will never ask you to provide your Secret Recovery Phrase. If someone claims that we do, insist on not sharing.

🚨 If you encounter someone who claims to be a MetaGold Support team member, or asks for your Secret Recovery Phrase, private keys, and/or connecting wallet to any random website, block and report them by getting in touch with official Support @MetaGoldSupport.

Last updated